Examples of Window Scripting uses in VFP |
Here are a few examples of the different uses of Window Scripting. This requires a Windows Scripting version 5.6 or more. http:/ How to get basic computer information CODEWshNetwork = CreateObject('WScript.Network')
lcMessage='Domain = ' + WshNetwork.UserDomain + CHR(13) lcMessage=lcMessage+ 'Computer Name =' + WshNetwork.ComputerName+CHR(13) lcMessage=lcMessage+ 'User Name = ' + WshNetwork.UserName MESSAGEBOX(lcMessage) How to get more information about your CD-ROM(s) CODELOCAL strComputer
Local lcString strComputer = '.' lcString = ' objWMIService = Getobject('winmgmts:'+ 'impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\' + strComputer + '\root\cimv2') colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery('Select * from Win32_CDROMDrive') For Each objItem In colItems lcString = lcString + 'Description: '+objItem.Description+Chr(13) lcString = lcString + 'Name: '+objItem.Name+Chr(13) lcString = lcString + 'Manufacturer:' +objItem.manufacturer+Chr(13) lcString = lcString + 'Media type: '+objItem.mediaType+Chr(13) lcString = lcString + 'PNP Device ID:' + objItem.PNPDeviceID +Chr(13) Next Messagebox(lcString) How to map a Network Drive CODEoNet = CreateObject('WScript.Network')
oNet.MapNetworkDrive('I:','\\myserver\myFiles',.T.,'mike','password') How to remove a Network connection CODEWshNetwork = CreateObject('WScript.Network')
WshNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive('E') How to add a printer connection CODEoNet = createobject('WScript.Network')
oNet.AddWindowsPrinterConnection('\\ServerName\PrinterName') How to set a Windows default printer CODEoNet = CreateObject('WScript.Network')
oNet.SetDefaultPrinter('\\ServerName\PrinterName') How to check for available space on a given disk drive. CODEobjFSO = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
objDrive = objFSO.GetDrive('C:') MESSAGEBOX('Available space: ' + chr(13)+TRANSFORM(objDrive.AvailableSpace,'999,999,999,999,999'+' kb' )) How to copy a file CODEFSO = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
FSO.CopyFile('c:\COMPlusLog.txt','c:\x\') How to create a folder CODEfso = createobject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
fldr = fso.CreateFolder('C:\MyTest') How to delete a folder CODEfso =createobject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
fldr = fso.DeleteFolder('C:\MyTest') How to determine if a folder exists. CODEfso =createobject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
? fso.FolderExists('C:\MyTest') How to create a file CODEfso = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
f1 = fso.CreateTextFile('c:\testfile.txt', .T.) How to create a file and write to it. CODEfso = CreateObject('Scripting.FileSystemObject')
tf = fso.CreateTextFile('c:\testfile.txt', .t.) tf.WriteLine('Testing 1, 2, 3.') tf.WriteBlankLines(3) && Skip three lines tf.Write ('This is a test.') tf.Close MODIFY FILE 'c:\testfile.txt' How to create a desktop icon (with path) CODEoShell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell')
DesktopPath = oShell.SpecialFolders('Desktop') oURL = oShell.CreateShortcut(DesktopPath + '\MSDN Scripting.URL') oURL = oShell.CreateShortcut(DesktopPath + '\MSDN Scripting.URL') oURL.TargetPath = 'HTTP://MSDN.Microsoft.com/scripting/' oURL.Save How to create an entry in the Windows' registry CODEoSh = CreateObject('WScript.Shell')
key = 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\' oSh.RegWrite( key + 'WSHTest\','testkeydefault') oSh.RegWrite(key + 'WSHTest\string1', 'testkeystring1') oSh.RegWrite( key + 'WSHTest\string2', 'testkeystring2', 'REG_SZ') oSh.RegWrite( key + 'WSHTest\string3', 'testkeystring3', 'REG_EXPAND_SZ') oSh.RegWrite( key + 'WSHTest\int', 123, 'REG_DWORD') How to remove a Registry Key CODEoSh = CreateObject('WScript.Shell')
oSh.RegDelete('HKCU\\Software\\ACME\\FortuneTeller\\MindReader') oSh.RegDelete('HKCU\\Software\\ACME\\FortuneTeller\\') oSh.RegDelete ('HKCU\\Software\\ACME\\') A replacement to the default VFP messagebox CODEWshShell = Createobject('WScript.Shell')
BtnCode = WshShell.Popup('Do you feel alright?', 7, 'Answer This Question:', 4 + 32) Do Case Case BtnCode=6 WSHSHELL.Popup('Glad to hear you feel alright.') Case BtnCode=7 WSHSHELL.Popup('Hope you're feeling better soon.') Endcase Create a desktop shortcut CODEShell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell')
DesktopPath = Shell.SpecialFolders('Desktop') link = Shell.CreateShortcut(DesktopPath+'\test.lnk') link.Arguments = '1 2 3' link.Description = 'test shortcut' link.HotKey = 'CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+X' link.IconLocation = 'app.exe,1' link.TargetPath = 'c:\blah\app.exe' link.WindowStyle = 3 link.WorkingDirectory = 'c:\blah' link.Save() Use a Window XP fileOpen dialog (Only on Windows XP) that allows multiple selection. CODEoDlg= Createobject('userAccounts.commonDialog')
oDlg.flags= '&h1a04' oDlg.Filter= 'All Files|*.*|'+ 'Text and Batch Files|*.txt;*.bat' oDlg.filterIndex= 2 oDlg.initialDir='C:\' qSln= oDlg.showOpen If qSln Messagebox(oDlg.fileName) Else Messagebox('Dialog cancelled.') Endif Demonstrates a method for converting the Universal Time Coordinate (UTC) values used by WMI to standard date-time values. This example returns the datetime in the installation of the Operating system. CODEstrComputer = '.'
objWMIService = Getobject('winmgmts:\\' + strComputer + '\root\cimv2') objOS = objWMIService.ExecQuery('Select * from Win32_OperatingSystem') For Each strOS In objOS dtmInstallDate = strOS.InstallDate MESSAGEBOX(TRANSFORM(WMIDateStringToDate(dtmInstallDate))) Next Function WMIDateStringToDate(dtmInstallDate) PRIVATE ldRetVal RETURN CTOT(SUBSTR(dtmInstallDate, 5, 2) + '/' + SUBSTR(dtmInstallDate, 7, 2) + '/' + Left(dtmInstallDate, 4) + ' ' +; SUBSTR(dtmInstallDate, 9, 2) + ':' + SUBSTR(dtmInstallDate, 11, 2) + ':' + SUBSTR(dtmInstallDate,13, 2)) ENDFUNC Retrieving the local system time including day-of-the week,quarter, week-of-the-month CODEstrComputer = '.'
lcStr=' objWMIService = Getobject('winmgmts:\\' + strComputer + '\root\cimv2') colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery('Select * from Win32_LocalTime') Set Step On For Each objItem In colItems lcStr=lcStr+'Year: ' + Transform(objItem.Year)+Chr(13) lcStr=lcStr+'Month: ' + Transform(objItem.Month)+Chr(13) lcStr=lcStr+'Day: ' + Transform(objItem.Day)+Chr(13) lcStr=lcStr+'Hour: ' + Transform(objItem.Hour)+Chr(13) lcStr=lcStr+'Minute: ' + Transform(objItem.Minute)+Chr(13) lcStr=lcStr+'Second: ' +Transform( objItem.Second)+Chr(13) lcStr=lcStr+'Day Of the Week: ' + Transform(objItem.Dayofweek)+Chr(13) lcStr=lcStr+ 'Week In the Month: ' +Transf( objItem.WeekInMonth)+Chr(13) lcStr=lcStr+'Quarter: ' +Transform( objItem.Quarter) Next Messagebox(lcStr) Run a schedule task now, rather than wait for the scheduled time. CODEssfCONTROLS = 3 && Control Panel's Schedule Tasks folder
sJobName = 'fta' && Name of the task to run sRunVerb = 'R&un' && Executing command sEndVerb = '&End Task' && Cancelling command shellApp = Createobject('shell.application') oControlPanel = shellApp.Namespace(ssfCONTROLS) && Schedule Tasks folder oST = ' For Each folderitem In oControlPanel.items && Loop though the items in the Control Panel items If folderitem.Name = 'Scheduled Tasks' oST = folderitem.getfolder() && Found it Exit Endif Next If Vartype(oST) != 'O' Messagebox('Couldn't find 'TS' folder') Endif oJob = ' For Each folderitem In oST.items && Loop through the different scheduled tasks until we fiind it. If Lower(folderitem.Name) = Lower(sJobName) oJob = folderitem && Found it Exit Endif Next If Vartype(oJob) !='O' Messagebox( 'Couldn't find ' + sJobName + ' item') Else bEnabled = .T. oRunVerb = ' oEndVerb = ' s = 'Verbs: ' + Chr(13) For Each Verb In oJob.verbs && Loop through the different commands in the scheduled task until we find right one. s = s + Chr(13) + Verb.Name If Verb.Name = sRunVerb oRunVerb = Verb bEnabled = .F. Endif If Verb.Name = sEndVerb oEndVerb = Verb Endif Next If bEnabled oJob.InvokeVerb(oEndVerb) && Cancel the task Else Wait Window Nowait 'executing job' oJob.InvokeVerb(sRunVerb) && Run the task! Endif Endif Funtion to enumerate running processes. CODEFUNCTION enumerateProcess
lcComputer = '.' loWMIService = Getobject('winmgmts:' ; + '{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\' + lcComputer + '\root\cimv2') colProcessList = loWMIService.ExecQuery ; ('Select * from Win32_Process') Create Cursor Process (Name c(20),Id i,Thread i,pagefile i,pagefault i,workingset c(20)) Index On Name Tag Name For Each loProcess In colProcessList Insert Into Process (Name,Id,Thread,pagefile,pagefault,workingset); VALUES (loProcess.Name,loProcess.ProcessID,loProcess.ThreadCount,loProcess.PageFileUsage,; loProcess.pagefaults,loProcess.WorkingSetSize) Next BROWSE normal CODEFUNCTION terminateProcess(lcProcess)
lcComputer = '.' loWMIService = Getobject('winmgmts:' ; + '{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\' + lcComputer + '\root\cimv2') colProcessList = loWMIService.ExecQuery ; ('Select * from Win32_Process') For Each loProcess In colProcessList IF UPPER(loProcess.name) = lcProcess loProcess.terminate() endif Next How to force the Addprinter applet from the control Panel CODEoShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
oShell.Run("rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHHelpShortcuts_RunDLL AddPrinter") How to access the Control Panel applets CODEoShell = CreateObject('WScript.Shell')
oShell.Run('Control.exe Sysdm.cpl,,0') && System Propeties general Tab. oShell.Run('Control.exe Sysdm.cpl,,1') && System Properties - Computer name tab. oShell.Run('Control.exe Sysdm.cpl,,2') && System properties - Hardware tab. oShell.Run('Control.exe Sysdm.cpl,,3') && System properties - Advanced tab. oShell.Run('Control.exe Sysdm.cpl,,4') && System properties - System Restore tab (ME and XP). oShell.Run('Control.exe Sysdm.cpl,,5') && System properties - Automatic Updates tab. oShell.Run('Control.exe Sysdm.cpl,,6') && System properties - Remote tab. The parameters apply to the different applets. The last parameter refers to the tab that has the focus. CODEoShell.Run('Control.exe Access.cpl,,1') && Accessibilty Options applet focused on tab 1
oShell.Run('Control.exe AppWiz.cpl,,1') && Add/Remove Programs applet focused on tab 1 oShell.Run('Control.exe Desk.cpl,,1') && Display Properties applet focused on tab 1 The rest of the Applets works in the same principle. InetCpl.cpl Internet Options Intl.cpl Country Joy.cpl Joystick mlcfg32.cpl Mail account setup Main.cpl Mouse, keyboard, printers and fonts MmSys.cpl Multimedia and sounds Modem.cpl Modem OdbcCp32.cpl ODBC data source Password.cpl Password Ports.cpl Ports PowerCfg.cpl Power Management PrefsCpl.cpl Real Player G2 Ras.cpl Remote Access SrvMgr.cpl Server SysDm.cpl System Telephon.cpl Telephony Themes.cpl Desktop themes TimeDate.cpl Date/Time TweakUI.cpl TweakUI Ups.cpl Spare power supply |
miercuri, 19 mai 2010
Window Scripting
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